Samuel Henly is Eigenrobot
Eigenrobot, the pseudo-checkmark twitter user, is Samuel Henly. He is pseudonymous because this allows him or his friends to circulate rumors about other people, as identifying the origin of the rumors would require mentioning real names. He will say that realnaming him is "doxxing"; it is not. Doxxing is revealing a dossier of information about someone, not just their real name.
Samuel had the audacity to say that anti-doxxing was a "sacred norm of the internet". It wasn't and isn't. It certainly wasn't when the internet relentlessly ruined Jessi Slaughter's life, which is world's worse than anything Samuel has had to deal with from revealing his real name. It wasn't sacred during the days of encyclopediadramatica, which was when Andrew Auernheimer was in his heyday. This new definition of "doxxing" to mean just saying someone's real name is an exaggeration on the level of activists who want speech to be violence. It will never be reality.
The extent of the problems with Samuel's view are outlined here.
Yes, there are a lot of people who want realnaming to be "doxxing", just as there are a lot of left-wing people who want "nazi" to mean "Trump voter". (This was parodied here.) There are, in fact, more left wing people who use this definition of "nazi" than there are people who use this schizo definition of doxxing.
Yes, you want to stretch the definitions of words, but you will not succeed. By prioritizing this kind of temporary awkwardness over the prevention of rumor-circulation, you've shown that your interests lie closer to comfort than with the truth. The obsessive protection of pseudonyms is not important to the world at large. The world is going to move on without you.
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